Recruit with us

Meet Kelly, Principal Recruiter:

Kelly Burke, Founder and Principal Recruiter at Work in biotech

If you're working at a growing, early-stage biotechnology company, you need to hire your research teams. You may be a founder who needs help hiring your first employees; you may be a Scientist yourself who needs to grow your team; you may be in HR but you're too busy managing employees to think about hiring more of them!

No matter who you are - if need help finding, attracting, and hiring talent in biotechnology - I'd love to hear from you.

My name is Kelly Burke. I'm the Founder and Principal Recruiter at Work In Biotech. I have experience hiring 500+ biotech professionals over the past 8+ years.

I completed my PhD in Chemistry and Molecular Biology at Caltech in 2017. Since then, I have been hiring for biotechnology companies - from startups as small as 3 employees to early clinical-stage companies with nearly 300 employees. My recruiting experience includes both agency and in-house.

If you need a full cycle recruiter who can scale up and down with your hiring needs, an expert sourcer who can build your talent pipelines, a talent acquisition consultant who can streamline your recruiting process and improve candidate experience, or you simply want to connect - feel free to email me at

Current and past clients:

Biotech startups who work with Kelly.

Contact us:

If you are a company looking for recruiting support or a recruiter with experience or interest in biotechnology, send us an email at

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