Orally delivered Biologics
Drug notes:
RT-102 Clin1 osteoporosis; RT-111 Clin0 psoriasis; RT-105 Clin0 psoriatic arthritis; RT-110 Clin0 hypo-parathyroidism
Rani Therapeutics is using advanced technology to enable oral delivery of large biologics. Many drugs can only be received via injection, which can be painful and inconvenient. Using expertise in engineering and material science, Rani has created the RaniPill capsule, which can be swallowed by patients in order to circumvent injections. The RaniPill capsule is a “robotic” pill that can inject drugs into the intestinal wall where there are no sharp pain receptors, thus making delivery painless. The intestinal wall is also highly vascularized to allow rapid drug absorption. Rani is looking to commercialize the RaniPill capsule to contain many large biologics that can be used to treat patients suffering from various chronic diseases.