Drug notes:
AB-207 Clin1b/Clin2 peri-anal fistular repair, Clin1b/Clin2 rotator cuff repair, Clin0 GI tract repair, Clin0 soft tissue reconstruction; AB-255 RD/Clin0 lung diseases; AB-225 RD tissue transplants
Angiocrine Bioscience is developing curative cell therapies to use for regenerative medicine. Endothelial cells that line blood vessels are important for organ function, but also play an active role in repairing tissue damage by expressing reparative angiocrine factors. Unfortunately, endothelial cell dysfunction occurs with age reducing the repair capacity. Angiocrine is creating engineered cord endothelial cells (E-CEL) to create various Advanced Reparative Medicines using their proprietary platform technology. Preclinical studies support regeneration of various organs following E-CEL treatment in animal models of chemo-radiation toxicities. Currently Angiocrine has two E-CEL Therapy products in clinical testing and five ‘next-generation’ E-CEL Therapies in research stage development.